The Go-To Platform for
    Christian Charities

    Radiant WebTools is a fully hosted web platform built for Christian organizations that are unwilling to compromise on user experience, security and scalability. Best of all, Radiant WebTools comes with a dedicated team of specialists who care about the Gospel.

    Let's Talk

    Radiant WebTools

    Innovation Did you know that Radiant WebTools has been around longer than WordPress? Find out why so many ministries use our CMS to tell their story.

    Security Statistics show that over 30,000 websites are hacked every day. Don’t let that be part of your story. Radiant WebTools provides a unique approach to security.

    Experience Radiant WebTools is more than just a CMS. It’s powered by real people who care about advancing the Gospel. Discover how we help ministries solve their biggest challenges.

    Radiant does theHeavy Lifting

    We are tired of seeing ministries build a website, just to watch it become stale and outdated. Radiant WebTools comes with your own professional web team. We build the site for you, help you manage it along the way, and offer suggestions on how to improve upon it. Consider us your personal website consulting team and mechanics.

    "Radiant has an incredible ability to meet the expectations of clients which contribute to both creative and bottom-line outcomes."

    — John McAuley, Executive Director - Muskoka Woods —

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    Client Stories

    Browse through some of our clients who use Radiant WebTools for their website.

    At a Glance Sandy Cove is an all-inclusive, year-round retreat center located on the headwaters of the Chesapeake Bay in North East, Maryland. Sandy Cove looked to Radiant to solve several very complex problems that required a unique approach to navigate. Attendance was down, and innovative solutions were lacking. Putting our heads together, we

    The Salvation Army

    A Strategic Approach for a Global Ministry Brand

    website non-profit
    At a Glance The Salvation Army in Canada employs 10,000 people and is supported by over 130,000 volunteers. After seeking leading agencies in Canada and the U.S. that could build an enterprise-level digital solution that would allow for full collaboration and efficiency between all departments and sectors of the organization, they chose Radiant.
    At a Glance Compassion Gallery was (and is) a very unique opportunity for Radiant. Featuring the fine art photography of Radiant’s CEO and President, Ray Majoran and Brian Klassen, Compassion Gallery is a fully functioning digital gallery powered by Radiant WebTools. Radiant developed a strategic approach to creating Compassion
    Illuminate Your Ministry with Radiant ONE™